Monday, August 18, 2014

Thesis Topics

CS MS Thesis Topics  link URL

  Proposal Writing Template






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10.   CS Thesis Topic Generation

11. Thesis Statements and the like

See Prof. Valiant's research statement, I think it's a good summary:
The majority of computational problems, including those with explicit
mathematical characterizations such as the NP-complete problems, fall
within the category of those for which the question of how best to
compute them is little understood. These core problems of complexity
theory remain the most fundamental mathematical challenges of computer
science. They are related to foundational questions in quantum physics,
most notably through polynomial time versions of the Turing hypothesis.

In computer systems major conceptual challenges remain in controlling,
load-balancing and programming large parallel systems, whether they be
multi core devices on a chip or highly distributed systems.. how
to design algorithms for multi-core devices that are portable, and run
efficiently on wide classes of architectural designs with widely varying
 performance characteristics.

A fundamental question for artificial intelligence is to characterize
the computational building blocks that are necessary for cognition. A
specific challenge is to build on the success of machine learning so as
to cover broader issues in intelligence. This requires, in particular a
reconciliation between two contradictory characteristics--the apparent
logical nature of reasoning and the statistical nature of learning.

In neuroscience a widely open problem remains how the weak model of
computation that cortex apparently offers can support cognitive
computation at all. .. how broad sets of primitive operations can be computed robustly and on a significant scale even on such a weak model.

A challenge in a different direction is understanding how Darwinian
evolution can evolve complex mechanisms in the numbers of generations
and with population sizes that have apparently been available on earth.
Darwin's notions of variation and selection are computational notions
and offer a very direct challenge for quantitative analysis by the
methods of computer science. What is sought is a quantitative
understanding of the possibilities and limitations of the basic
Darwinian process.


  1. Algorithms design and analysis ( For making the algorithms more efficient and powerful ).
  2. Artificial Intelligence and machine learning.
  3. NoSQL databases ( non-relational ) being used by major sites such as Facebook.
  4. Optimizations in programming languages and their constructs.
  5. Data Warehousing and Data Mining.
  6. Threads, Mutexes and locks . (Synchronisation better algorithms).
  7. Making programs smarter i.e programs spawning and managing programs when certain conditions are met.
  8. Making browsers' http requests more faster using SPDY technology used in Chrome browsers.
  9. Development of Smart Routers which adapt themselves to the varying traffic of packets.
  10. HTML5 and OpenWeb technologies such as Firebug and Firephp.

 Topic Generated

A synchronized functional theorem prover for a balanced binary cache

Literature Review link

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